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About Reshim.

"Reshim" is an infrastructure hub for projects that address humanitarian problems caused by the war in Ukraine. We also support projects that aim to stop Russia's military aggression, which is the source of these problems. We are an international non-profit organization with citizens of different countries living in Ukraine, Georgia, Montenegro, Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Our mission
To increase the effectiveness of the humanitarian community. To achieve this, we bring projects and volunteers together, creating new horizontal links. Through volunteering, we help to establish relationships with people and develop our professional skills.
About us in numbers
600 +
projects in the catalog
active volunteers
20 000 +
visits per month
«Reshim» helps humanitarian and anti-war projects because we believe in:
Join us! Let's work together - so we can make a real impact on the lives of people who face humanitarian challenges head-on.
The development and progress of civil society
Human rights (as defined by the UN Universal Declaration)
Humanitarian principles (as defined by UNGA Resolution 46/182)
Commitment to international law on the issue of territorial integrity
Efficiency and productivity
Collective action for global change
Community collaboration
Join us! Let's work together - so we can make a real impact on the lives of people who face humanitarian challenges head-on.
Who we help
We support projects that adhere to the fundamental principle of humanitarian action - respect for the value of human life. Taking into account human rights, we reject any form of discrimination and cooperate with projects from different countries, provided they meet these criteria.
How the project came into being
On February 24, 2022, with the start of the full-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine, many humanitarian initiatives emerged. Volunteers, in an effort to help those affected by the war, contribute in a variety of ways: financial support, providing items, and with their time and labor. Such efforts require support, as volunteers themselves have limited resources.
In response to this need, Maxim Kosenko, an entrepreneur from the Czech Republic, assembled a team that created and is developing the Reshim Project Hub.
Since March 2022, the team has been collecting information about the work of humanitarian projects, identifying their problems and proposing solutions.
Our projects
We build close connections between those who seek to improve the effectiveness of the humanitarian community.
We have created a discussion space where we help humanitarian projects to develop and provide more help to those in need.
Our goal is to bring together volunteers, social innovators, experts and people who simply care. Join the dialog to make the world a better place together with us.
Building mutual understanding through AI and human support.
We create a solution so that people with opposing opinions can talk about an important topic and not turn the discussion into a war. AI and human support help keep the dialog going.
It is important for us to speak humanly on the hottest topics, not to destroy each other with words - because dehumanization by words makes real war possible. Right now we are experimenting, but soon we will make the project publicly available.
Initiatives Aggregator
The Initiatives Aggregator has already supported over 600 projects, engaging hundreds of volunteers to use their skills to develop humanitarian and anti-war initiatives. Despite progress, the ongoing war drives the increasing need for such projects and roles.
We are establishing a transparent system for initiatives and the assistance they provide so that people can unite around important goals and showcase collective results.
This is a challenging task, but together we can do it! Join us in creating the aggregator by contributing. Let's create a platform to show how our help changes the world!